Purposely Healthy for Life

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Your “Why” is the Secret Sauce to Weight Loss

It took me more than 50 years to learn an important fact and now I’m...
Intentional Wellness by Terri

The Calming Power of Mantra

I’d heard of mantra before starting my yoga practice in 2011 but I didn’t really...
Intentional Wellness by Terri

Is It Time to Break Up With Caffeine?

Something very weird happened to me recently. I left for work, started driving, and realized...

How to Worry Properly

Worrying is an inevitable aspect of the human condition.  Telling someone, “Don’t worry” is usually...
Intentional Wellness by Terri

How to Set Yourself Up for Success on Sundays

Ah the weekends. For many of us who work Monday through Friday, weekends are devoted to...

Welcome from Terri